
Every journey begins with one step forward. Take my hand - it’s more fun together.

Brave New World

It’s hard to imagine what my reaction to this 6 months ago would have been looking at the items on top of this table at the office. I probably would have been a bit perplexed - face masks?, maybe the cleaning crew left a bottle behind!?? Now disinfectants, sanitizers and personal protection equipment (PPE) is a new expectation and a familiar items to everyone. A once unknown acronym is now a global household item. It has become something that you can’t imagine not seeing in an office. How times have changed… Going back to the office is always a deeply emotional experience as I see the desks as we left them over 2 months ago like we would be coming back in a night or 2. The realization that the world has changed in ways that will take us years to fully comprehend. I stare at the office and not much has changed - I look in the mirror and see the eyes of a very different person. I think about the skies, the oceans, the economy, the people suffering, the deaths, the fear, the optimism and all the fucking silver linings…. It is a new world. The old rules don’t apply and its time to create a future that can shed the baggage of the past and evolve into something more beautiful. A snake can’t get back into their old skin.

Back at the office.

Back at the office.

Tiny Super Heroes
